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Piracy Policy

Yes, you read it correctly, I mean "piracy" not "privacy" policy.

As it is, the Internet makes digital piracy extrememely easy nowadays, and you can find almost any popular content be it books or videos or music online. Although it might be tempting to just keep freeloading indefinitely, we should keep in mind that somewhere, someone created this content and they need to make a living. If no one is paying for their product, eventually they'll be forced out of business. And who'll create the content then?

So my piracy policy is: pirate if you want, but buy an original product if it's available, you really like it, think it's worth it, and you can afford it. Personal example: I buy CDs even though I have downloaded MP3s, and buy manga sets even after reading scanlations if I really like it and I can find it in print. It's not easy, but I'm trying to buy more and consume less for free. Bonus points if you can support independent publishers (eg. indie games) and under-rated series that's less-hyped and hence has less buyers.

Examples of supporting the content publishers:
(a) buy books, CDs, DVDs, BDs, games etc.
(b) legally stream/ purchase MP3s, videos etc online. Especially if you live in a region with a music iTunes store, or NetFlix/Hulu/Amazon video/Crunchyroll available. I envy you guys - most of them are not available in Malaysia.
(c) enjoy a movie in the cinema.
(d) attend concerts by your favourite singer.
(e) buy licensed merchandise.

While I understand that it may not be feasible to pay for all the content you consume, please support the publishers when you can. The industry will thank you!


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