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Showing posts from September, 2012

Use a game controller for web browsing and more

I'm not a serious gamer, and little did I know that one day I would actually use a wireless gaming controller actively. Most of the time it's not for playing games though - I'm using it as a partial replacement of the keyboard and mouse, by mapping custom commands to the buttons. Shortcuts without even touching the keyboard? Bringing keyboard ninja skills to the next level ;) The wireless controller I use - Logitech F710 It all began when I started experiencing some pain in my wrist from too much mouse use. A friend loaned me a Logitech F710 wireless game controller*, and to my delight, I found that Logitech provides software to map the buttons to keystrokes and the analog sticks to the mouse. Since I use a lot a lot of keyboard shortcuts in my everyday computing, it was a great solution. Now I usually have my hands comfortably on the controller, only leaving it occasionally to type or when I need precision mousing. I even mapped Aero Flip so I could switch between d